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About Rodastjarnan

The company and our people
At Rodastjarnan you will find equipment for your adventure, recommended and tested by us. We have backpacks, outdoor and tactical gear as well as airguns. We have stuff for you that- like us- love to be outdoors!

Our founders Fredrik and Henrik in the forest testing products.

Rodastjarnan was founded by Henrik and Fredrik, with Mikael joining early. We are passionate about our products, the adventure and not least delivering a kick-ass customer experience! We've built this operation from scratch and it's only been possible through hard work in finding exciting products and have very satisfied customers.

Röda Stjärnans Militaria (Swedish for Red Star Militaria), as it originally was called, started to exist in 2002 when two brothers bought a soviet medal in Estonia.
The collection and trading of medals developed into a hobby. The demand for medals and military memorabilia grew and soon we hosted a small website in Microsoft Frontpage, with manual update using ftp, on the now legendary domain militaria.has.it
Picture from Christmas 2003 after a, by that times measurements, a large purchase trip

Outdoor adventure and the interest in the forest has always been a red threat through our history. Since the age of 15 the military has been an important element as we joined the Swedish armed forces youth organization. Henrik later did his military service as a arctic ranger squad leader in Arvidsjaur.

In the year of 2007, when Henrik started studying at the Royal institute of Technology, he meet Mikael who had mad skillz in making websites and coding systems. Mikael joined Rodastjarnan and we could launch a better site and everything went boom! (Like a rocket, going up. Not like an exploison destroying evrything...) From the beginning, e-commerce was a part of our DNA.

From 2007-2011 we developed Rodastjarnan alongside our studies, Henrik and Mikael at RIT and Fredrik at Stockholm University. During this time Rodastjarnan continued growing thanks to low prices and happy customers. After graduation, we worked full-time with Rodastjarnan and opened a store in Stockholm.

2012 we opened our store in Gothenburg.
We were not really prepared for the huge interest, the queue went around the whole block

The same year we had outgrown our store in Stockholm and had to move to a larger store. And in 2013 we opened our store in Malmö. In late 2014 we opened our Slutarp store in the building which later would be our large e-commerce warehouse. Much Speed, very wow!

In 2015 we moved our e-commerce to our site in Slutarp and our e-commerce finaly got a dedicated site and didn't have to share stock with our Stockholm store. With thios 2000 sqm large warehouse we have been able to grow and have even more interesting product on the shelf for you.

As more and more of our customers bought from our website, we closed our Malmö store in 2018, Stockholm in 2019 and Gothenburg in 2021. Since then we have been able to focus 100 % on our website and ensuring very quick shipping, huge assortment and great customer satisfaction.

What a journey! What began as shoe box with soviet medals in the the boy's room has now grown so much! We would never have imagined that when we at 14 years age walked towards an elderly man on a windy market in Tallinn.

Today we deliver products for the outdoors, military, preppers and tactically interested people around the world. We who work at Rodastjarnan are joined in our passion for the avdenture and delivering an excellent customer experience. Welcome, and thank you for reading about us! /Henrik and Fredrik at Rodastjarnan.

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180.000+ happy customers

World wide shipping with UPS

Selling online since 2002

5.000+ products in stock

Roda stjarnan
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