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In order to calculate correct prices including shipping and show available payment methods in your country, please select your country in this dropdown list:

For deliveries to {{get_country_name_from_code(customer_country)}}, you will pay {{get_eu_vat_rate_for_country_code()}}% VAT of {{get_country_name_from_code(customer_country)}} which has been updated below. No other taxes (VAT, import duty etc) will be charged.
For deliveries to {{get_country_name_from_code(customer_country)}}, you will not pay Swedish VAT (where we are based). However, your order will be subject to local sales taxes and duties upon arrival in your chosen country.

All additional charges are the responsibility of you as customer. As customs policies vary widely from country to country, Röda Stjärnan has no control over these charges, so you should contact your local customs office for further information.

Error: we do not ship to your country ({{customer_country}})


Price: {{get_customer_price(cart_row.price, cart_row.swedish_vat_rate, false, false, true, 1)}}

+ possible VAT**

Incl. {{get_eu_vat_rate_for_country_code()}}% VAT of {{get_country_name_from_code(customer_country)}}

SKU: {{cart_row.product_id}}

{{cart_row.stock_level}} pieces in stock

{{get_customer_price(cart_row.price*cart_row.quantity, cart_row.swedish_vat_rate, false, false, true, 1)}}
-{{this.get_customer_price(absolute_discount_true, 25, false, false, true, 1)}}*

Amount to pay {{total_to_pay_in_sek}} SEK (approx. €{{total_to_pay_approximated}})

You will be charged in Swedish krona (SEK)

*Minimum order amount is 1 SEK

Show popular bargains under €10

Beef soup


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Fire Dragon SOLID Bränsletabletter 6st

Fire Dragon SOLID Fuel tablets 6 pcs


Försvarets Konservöppnare

Swedish army can opener


Pro Tech Silikonspray 400 ml

Pro Tech Silicone Spray 400 ml



2. International shipping


2-4 days*

{{ shipping_option.message }}
{{get_customer_price(shipping_option.TrueCost, 25, false, false, true, 1)}}

3. Submit your order

Error: we do not ship to your country ({{customer_country}})

In order to show available payment methods in your country and then submit your order, you first need to select your country at the top of this page.

How to pay
PayPal {{get_customer_price(79, 25, false, false, true, 1)}} ({{get_customer_price(79, 25, false, 'SEK', false, 0)}} SEK)
Total amount to pay:
{{total_to_pay_in_sek + parseFloat(get_customer_price(payment_fee, 25, false, 'SEK', false, 0))}} SEK (approx. €{{total_to_pay_in_other_currency(total_to_pay_in_sek + parseFloat(get_customer_price(payment_fee, 25, false, 'SEK', false, 0)), 'EUR')}}, ${{total_to_pay_in_other_currency(total_to_pay_in_sek + parseFloat(get_customer_price(payment_fee, 25, false, 'SEK', false, 0)), 'USD')}} or £{{total_to_pay_in_other_currency(total_to_pay_in_sek + parseFloat(get_customer_price(payment_fee, 25, false, 'SEK', false, 0)), 'GBP')}})
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* Applies to most countries within European Union. Delivery to countries outside European Union may take slightly longer.
** Select your country to get correct shipping cost and prices with VAT.

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