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Imax B3 Pro LiPo charger


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Product description

Balanced charger for LiPo batteries. Charges 2 or 3 cells (7.4 or 11.1V). The charger is so-called intelligent and charges each cell individually, the cells become ready at different times, the charger stops charging the full cells while continuing with the ones that are not full.
This charger charges 800 mA per cell.
It has three built-in LEDs for the three different cells that can be plugged in, indicating either ready (green) or charging (red).
Very efficient charger. Cord included so you can plug it directly into your regular wall outlet.

It has three diodes, one for each cell that can be charged. If you charge a 7.4V LiPo, only diodes 1 and 2 will turn red when charging, diode three will continue its normal glow (green/red-flashing) as it is only used with 11.1V LiPo.
When the charger is ready but no battery is connected, the diodes are orange, i.e. they flash between green and red.
Keep in mind that a LiPo charger is often very sensitive when it comes to the absolute last voltage increase and it can take a while for the diodes to switch from red to green , if you connect and disconnect the battery, you can make all the diodes switch to green and that is why there are such small voltage differences that the charger tries to raise/equalize, but switches the diode to green either in the usual way or after i-and- disconnect and the battery is ready, can be good to know if you are in a hurry.

Be careful not to try to plug in and charge a damaged battery. If the cables and balancing connector are damaged, the charger may break!
This product can also be found on our other international sites:
Norge: Imax B3 Pro LiPo lader Sverige: Imax B3 Pro LiPo laddare

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