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Ultrair Medium Power Orange Gas 570ml
Ultrair Medium Power Orange Gas 570ml Ultrair Medium Power Orange Gas 570ml

Ultrair Medium Power Gas 570ml


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Product description

Orange gas with a relatively high gas pressure of 164 PSI. 570ml.
Gas pressure at 25 degrees 164 PSI, a higher pressure than usual and suitable for certain weapons and in colder weather, often spring and autumn. See image for educational description of how outside temperature affects gas pressure. This is generally suitable for spring and autumn, but as you can see in the picture, you may need different gases depending on the temperature and how your weapon behaves.
164 PSI is more powerful than normal and especially in hot weather it means increased pressure on your airsoft , it is not certain that all weapons can handle this gas given a certain temperature. Only use this gas if you are aware of the effect of temperature and the possible increased wear and tear and risk of damage to your airsoft.
The gas does not contain silicone.

Remember to hold the bottle upside down when filling. Make sure the bottle closes tightly against the valve before filling, but some leakage when filling is normal.
This item can not be shipped outside of EU, to Iceland or Norway as it's pressurized and/or flammable.
This product can also be found on our other international sites:
Norge: Ultrair Medium Power Orange Gas 570ml Sverige: Ultrair Medium Power Orange Gas 570ml

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