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m/59 Field shirt M59 t-shirts and sweaters
m/59 Field shirt M59 t-shirts and sweaters m/59 Field shirt M59 t-shirts and sweaters m/59 Field shirt M59 t-shirts and sweaters m/59 Field shirt M59 t-shirts and sweaters m/59 Field shirt M59 t-shirts and sweaters m/59 Field shirt M59 t-shirts and sweaters

m/59 Field shirt M59


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Size 37

Price: €15.6

In our stock, 8 left

SKU 22596

Size 37 New

Price: €23.1

In our stock, 8 left

SKU 27287

Size 39 New

Price: €22.1

In our stock, 58 left

SKU 27288

Size 39

Price: €15.6

In our stock, 108 left

SKU 10048

Size 41 New

Price: €23.1

In our stock, 16 left

SKU 29180

Size 41

Price: €16.6

In our stock, 402 left

SKU 10049

Size 43
Size 43 New
Size 45

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Product description

The classic Swedish field shirt M59. Still in use. Excellent quality.
Original from the defense, with the defense's marking. Different vintages, so they differ slightly in color.
Sold as used if not "new" stated.
Size corresponds to the circumference of the neck in cm. But since you more or less never wear it completely unbuttoned, it can sometimes be nicer to buy a size smaller so that it fits a little tighter over the body.
Also called the m/59 or 59 shirt.

the size is regular shirt size and refers to the neck circumference in cm.

Select size, those labeled "new" are in mint condition. Either brand new or lightly used.
Sizes larger than 41 are extremely rare and delivery time or availability cannot be guaranteed.

NOTE! The price varies between the sizes and new/beg.
This product can also be found on our other international sites:
Norge: m/59 Feltskjorte M59 Sverige: m/59 Fältskjorta M59

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