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BeaverCraft LS6P1 Dual-sided leather strop


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Product description

Surface – cowhide leather
Length of the leather part – 240 mm (9.45 inches)
Total length – 370 mm (14.57 inches)
Total width – 50 mm (1.97 inches)
Base material – Ashwood
Weight – 0.03 kg

Tool sharpening significantly extends the life of your wood carving tools, so you must consider it seriously. The accuracy of the work directly depends on the tool's sharpness. The better the sharpening of your wood carving tool, the less likely it is to ruin your wood carving design or cause injuries.

To sharpen a wood carving or whittling knife well, you only need two simple devices from BeaverCraft. It is a Double-Sided Leather Strop and a Green-gray Polishing Compound.

The BeaverCraft LS6P1 Honing Kit is a winning choice if you want to keep your knives razor-sharp for a long time. Double-Sided Leather Strop is the most modern type of product for sharpening wood carving tools. This strop is very easy to use. The design of such a honing accessory consists of two components – a flat block of wood and pieces of leather glued to it. One side allows you to remove particles of metal fragments, etc., while the second side has a smoother surface, which will help keep your knife blade in perfect condition. BeaverCraft Polishing Compound is used to sharpen your wood carving knives and enhance the effect of razor-sharp blades.

The sharpening strop with the green-grey polishing compound is suitable for all knife types.

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