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Solar lighter


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Product description

This text has been translated with Google Translate.

A solar lighter for emergencies. Consists of a concave plastic part with an aluminum coating that focuses the sun's rays towards the holder in the middle to which suitable ignition material is attached. The holder helps keep the material still. Requires sunlight but is, on the other hand, a good emergency supplement as it e.g. not damaged by water.
Diameter approx. 10 cm.
We have tested this on a cold but sunny day. Some thin birch bark starts smoking after just a couple of seconds, cool! However, not simply getting the glowing fist to actually start burning and lighting bigger kindles. Definitely an exciting challenge for the fire and wilderness expert! We will continue to try to make a proper fire when the sun pleases to appear again.
This product can also be found on our other international sites:
Norge: Solar lighter Sverige: Soltändare

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