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Gebirgsrucksack Läder
Gebirgsrucksack Läder Gebirgsrucksack Läder Gebirgsrucksack Läder Gebirgsrucksack Läder Gebirgsrucksack Läder Gebirgsrucksack Läder Gebirgsrucksack Läder Gebirgsrucksack Läder Gebirgsrucksack Läder Gebirgsrucksack Läder

Gebirgs rucksack Leather


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Product description

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Classic West German design, based on the Gebirgs rucksack army backpack. However, this is a more stylish interpretation and equipped with beautiful leather straps and a thick, sturdy cotton fabric.
The bottom of the backpack is PVC-coated so that it is water-resistant when, for example, you put it on the ground.
The lid has four D-rings so you can attach e.g. tarp, blanket or tent.

The side pouches fit perfectly for a 1 liter Nalegen bottle. Behind the pouches, for example, an axe, hiking stick or the like can be carried.

The German army's foldable sleeping pad fits perfectly in a pouch along the back. If the sleeping mat is fitted, it gives stability to the backpack and protects the back against any sharp objects.

The shoulder straps are adjustable.
Volume: approx. 30 l
Dimensions: approx. 32 x 45 x 21 cm (W x H x D)
Weight: approx. 1.1 kg
This product can also be found on our other international sites:
Norge: Gebirgs ryggsekk Skinn Sverige: Gebirgsrucksack Läder

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