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Reindeer hide First class


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QuantityPrice/each Add to cart
1 pc€103.1
4- pcs€78.9 (save €24.2/piece)

Product description

Wonderful reindeer hide that fits perfectly in the home, the bushcraft camp, on the sled, on horseback or in the wagon. Thick and fine, insulates extremely well and contributes to a really lovely feeling wherever they are.

Reindeer skin is good for wearing under the saddle on horses. Reindeer hair is thick and seems to absorb shock while spreading pressure over the horse. Also reduces the risk of chafing.
Reindeer skin has been used for thousands of years as a sitting and lying pad. They can absorb moisture from the ground on wet surfaces. To avoid this, you can instead use our skins with a silicone-treated back, but otherwise these untreated ones are historically proven for both indoor and outdoor use, but you may need to dry them at room temperature if they get wet.

The reindeer skin is a natural product. and like the reindeer, the skins also vary somewhat in colour, shape and size. Delivered unsorted.
Dimensions approx. 140x90 cm.
On the back there may be traces from the tanning and insect bites, very much depending on the season in which the slaughter took place.
The reindeer skins are alum-tanned, a very old tanning method from the farming community. So they are not chrome-tanned!
This product can also be found on our other international sites:
Norge: Reinsdyrskinn Første klasse Sverige: Renskinn Första sortering

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